Transfer to countries guaranteeing an adequate level of protection

Pursuant to the provisions of Art. 45 of the General Data Protection Regulation and Art. 36 of the Law Enforcement Directive, the Commission may decide that a third country or its territory or an international organization guarantees an adequate level of personal data protection. If the Commission issues a decision that an adequate level of personal data protection is ensured in a specific third country or international organization, it is possible to transfer personal data to this third country or international organization without the need to obtain additional permission.

The Commission issued an adequacy decision under the General Data Protection Regulation for the following countries:

The Commission issued an adequacy decision under the Enforcement Directive for the following countries:

The Commission issued a decision on adequacy according to Directive 95/46/EC for the following countries (the decisions remain valid even in the new legislation):

We also draw attention to the IMPLEMENTING DECISION OF THE COMMISSION (EU 2016/2295 of 16 December 2016, amending Decisions 2000/518/EC, 2002/2/EC, 2003/490/EC, 2003/821/EC, 2004/411/ EC, 2008/393/EC, 2010/146/EU, 2010/625/EU, 2011/61/EU and implementing decisions 2012/484/EU, 2013/65/EU on adequate protection of personal data by certain countries according to Article 25 paragraph 6 of the directive of the European Parliament and of the Council 95/46/EC