Notification of the responsible person

Name of the end service: Reporting of the responsible person in the field of personal data protection

Description: The reporting service of the responsible person in the field of personal data protection is directed towards the Personal Data Protection Office of the Slovak Republic. You are obliged to use this service if you are required by the Personal Data Protection Act or the General Regulation on Personal Data Protection to designate a responsible person, i.e. a person who will assist you in your internal environment in applying the Personal Data Protection Act and Regulation ; it should be a person with expertise in the field. As the operator or intermediary, you are responsible for its selection. In the event that there are changes to the position of the responsible person, or you designate a different person than you reported earlier, you are obliged to report all changes to this position.

The service is provided electronically via an electronic form via the ÚPVS portal:

UPVS link