Rights of the person concerned in the visa information system

Categories of personal data collected in the VIS:

  • alphanumeric data about the applicant and visas requested, issued, refused, erased, revoked or extended
  • photographs
  • fingerprints
  • links to previous applications.

The Data subject rights in the VIS:

  • right to access personal data processed in the VIS,
  • right for information about Member State which recorded the personal data to VIS,
  • right for correction or deletion
  • right to file a complaint.

The right to access the data is the right of data subject to information, which personal data of the data subject are stored in the VIS, if any.

The right for information means the right of any person to obtain information about personal data concerning him/her were recorded in the VIS and of the Member State which transmitted them to VIS. Such access to data may be granted only by the Member State that recorded data into the system.

The right for correction or deletion is guaranteed that any data subject may request that data relating to him which are inaccurate be corrected or that data recorded unlawfully be deleted. Only responsible Member State, which recorded personal data to system VIS, shall carry out the correction or deletion that data recorded unlawfully.

The right to file a complaint means the right of data subject to file a complaint with the Office for data personal protection of the Slovak republic as a national supervision authority, which is competent to review personal data processing within the national part of the VIS at the request of data subject in the cases where there are grounds for suspicion of an unlawful procedure or where the controller did not provide satisfying response to data subject through a request.

Exercising the rights of data subjects

Data subject can exercise his or her rights as the right to access the data, the right for information, the right for correction or deletion, in the VIS controller of personal data (Ministry of foreign and European affairs of the SR) using request for access, request for correction or deletion, which data subject right can deliver:

  • in person
  • in writing form to address:

    Ministerstvo zahraničných vecí a európskych záležitostí Slovenskej republiky
    Hlboká cesta 2
    811 04 Bratislava
    Slovenská republika

  • electronically signed by a guaranteed electronic signature.

If you attach files to your message (such as your ID, passport...), we kindly ask you to consider safer way of sending your mesage, such as protection by password, where you can send us the password in different message. Doing so helps to protect your privacy.

The Office for Personal Data Protection of Slovak republic (hereinafter: “Office”) is competent authority within the national part of the VIS to review personal data processing in cases where there are grounds for suspicion of an unlawful procedure of personal data controller or where data subject considers that the controller has not provided a satisfactory response. In these cases, data subject may lodge a complaint concerning the processing of personal data with the Office.

Contact address of Office:

Office for Personal Data Protection of the Slovak Republic
Hraničná 12
820 07 Bratislava
Slovak Republic

Forms for download:

Name Size Date

Related link: https://www.mzv.sk/web/en/ministry/privacy_protection_policy