Slovak translation of the Handbook on European legislation in the field of data protection available to order

The Slovak translation of the Handbook on European legislation in the field of data protection (2018) is available not only in the PDF version, but it is possible to order a copy.

The guide was developed by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) together with the Council of Europe (together with the Office of the European Court of Human Rights) and the European Data Protection Supervisor. It is an update of the 2014 edition and is part of a series of legal guides produced jointly by FRA and the Council of Europe. The manual is based on the Convention of the Council of Europe no. 108, EU instruments including the General Data Protection Regulation and the Law Enforcement Directive, as well as the relevant jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union. Employees of the Personal Data Protection Office of the Slovak Republic participated in the revision of the translation into Slovak.

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