Filing Bias Objections

Name of the end service: Submission of objections of bias of the controlled person to the member/member of the control body of the Personal Data Protection Office of the Slovak Republic

Description: You can use the "Submitting an objection..." service if you are being inspected by the office for the processing of OU and you are in the position of an inspected person. By using this service, you can exercise your right as an inspected person if you believe that the member or members of the inspection body do not observe the principle of impartiality during the inspection, that is, in your opinion, they are biased for some reason. It is necessary to make sure that you file your objections within 15 days from when you learned about such facts. The office will decide on the notification of the bias of a member of the control body within 10 working days.

The service is provided electronically via an electronic form via the ÚPVS portal:

UPVS link