Solving Security Incidents - Webinar

The Office for the Protection of Personal Data of the Slovak Republic, in cooperation with the specialists of the Istrosec company, invites you to a Webinar, which will focus on solving security incidents. You will learn practical information about what types of incidents prevail, how you should react and deal with security incidents.

Reporting security incidents

How to report an incident
The most frequent types of incidents in recent years
  • What are the most common types?
    • Penetration
    • Data Breach
    • Ransomware
  • How to detect that a security incident has occurred

Response to incidents

  • First steps after detecting a cyber incident
    • Prevention of spread
    • Reactive activities in the first 2-4-6 hours
    • Follow-up activities in the first 24-48 hours
  • Next steps
    • Eradication
    • Recovery
  • Securing the infrastructure against further intrusion
  • Activities after resolving a security incident

You can download the presentation below

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